A Mobile App and Animation challenge
Project Gallery open on Devpost
Zoom Meeting to Announce the Winners
*Ekal Appathon”
Time: Feb. 28, 2021 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time
*Join Zoom Meeting Link:*
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89879885251?pwd=TUJNU2x6c1ExUUt2ZFRoRXRBZXpvdz09 -
Meeting ID: 898 7988 5251
Passcode: lotus​
Ages 10-21
Up to 3 Divisions
Individual and Groups
No Experience needed!
Online Submission
Submit By:
February 14th, 2021 (Sunday) Midnight PST
Results On:
February 28th, 2021 (Sunday)
Ekal Appathon is an event for a wide variety of creative individuals to participate in a competition. It focuses on STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics). During the past three years it has been an in-person event and now admit COVID19 there have been updates. It is now WORLDWIDE and completely online. This is your chance to create an app or animation and compete for prizes!
This challenge prompts you to create an app or animation that fits the themes for each year. It has a wide range of skill sets from beginner to pro while keeping in mind the concept is key. There are mentors who can help guide you and answer any questions about the event. There are also videos below to help create a smoother process for beginners. Make sure to register and check out the themes for this year!
This is also tied to ekal which is a nonprofit organization that does a lot of great work to help children in rural India with education and empowerment. Go check out their website! https://www.ekal.org/